
For 32 years, Stroud Chiropractic Clinic in Archdale, North Carolina, has been helping people just like you heal from physical pain. Yoga is an ancient tradition that literally means "yoke," or union. When you practice yoga, you join your body and mind, experiencing a sense of peace. 

If you are suffering from back pain or a neck injury, you will have to be especially mindful when beginning your yoga regimen. First, choosing the right type of yoga for your needs is essential. While all yoga classes are designed to balance your body's energy, certain yoga classes offer benefits that others do not. Below, you can learn about several different styles of yoga and how they can each help ease the pain in your body.

  • Restorative Yoga: Restorative yoga can be excellent for people with limited strength and mobility. These classes are usually taught in dimly-lit rooms and focus on calming the mind through meditation. In restorative yoga classes, poses are held longer; however, instead of actively pursuing each pose, your body will passively release into each pose. Your hips will smoothly open into butterfly pose and your back will receive the best stretch when moving into supported fish pose. Most poses in restorative classes are done on the ground. When you finish a restorative class, it often feels like you just finished a massage. 
  • Iyengar Yoga: Iyengar yoga specializes in the use of props, using yoga blocks, blankets, chairs, and straps to help your body experience each pose. Iyengar yoga focuses on alignment and is one of the safest classes you can take. Most importantly, Iyengar classes are designed to work with your body, which is why props are so important here. If you are recovering from an injury and cannot support yourself in Warrior One, for example, a yoga chair can guide you into this pose. The experts at Stroud Chiropractic Clinic love Iyengar yoga because it is an exceptionally kind and healing practice. 
  • Yin Yoga: Like restorative yoga, you will hold each pose for a longer period of time in a Yin yoga class. Also like restorative yoga, Yin prioritizes the "passive" nature of your body, encouraging you to open and move gently into each pose. Yin yoga, however, selectively targets areas of the body's connective tissue. With Yin yoga, your connective tissue becomes elongated, so you may feel sensations in these poses. You will feel your body stretch deeply, which can help greatly with pain relief.  

Before you begin any yoga class, it's extremely important to tell your teacher about any injuries you have. This way, your yoga teacher can help you modify certain poses. The professionals at Stroud Chiropractic Clinic in Archdale believe in the power of yoga, and they are excited to see their clients incorporate it into their healing.

To learn more about how Stroud Chiropractic Clinic can help you recover from injury, visit them online, on Facebook, or call (336) 434-2107 today. 
