
Snyder Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation is one of a very few physical therapy clinics in the area that uses the state of the art technology of the AlterG antigravity treadmill.  The AlterG is a fantastic tool for rehabilitating patients faster and more effectively.  This groundbreaking piece of equipment is being used by 25 NFL teams, 26 NBA teams, and 112 colleges and universities as well as numerous rehabilitation facilities throughout the United States.  This state of the art treadmill reduces a person’s bodyweight by up to 80%, and allows you to:

  • train harder, longer, and sooner after injury
  • gain and maintain fitness while recovering and return to competition sooner
  • maintain a natural stride during therapy by reducing the risk of compensatory injuries
  • stay motivated and track progress
  • train harder with lower impact

This is a great tool to get you on your feet quicker following surgery or injury.  The treadmill allows you to be more active without pain.  Not only is this very effective for athletes but it is also extremely beneficial for the overweight or arthritic person with weight bearing restrictions due to joint pain.  This treadmill allows this population to be more active and rehab appropriately. 

Runners with overuse injuries now have a very effective way to continue training and prevent further injury.  Typically runners who are injured are very reluctant to stop or even decrease their training. With decreased weightbearing through the AlterG, the running athlete can now stay active and train painfree even with shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, patellofemoral pain, and hip pain.


Practicing safe methods to manage your pain will help sports injuries heal quickly. Let the professionals at Snyder Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation in Lincoln, NE, get you back on track with their physical rehabilitation services. If you’re experiencing knee pain, foot pain, or back pain, their physical therapists will provide the best modalities to treat the injury. Call (402) 489-1999 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to learn more about their healing practices.
