
No matter how comprehensive you think your homeowner’s insurance is, your policy won’t cover every event. In fact, most standard policies do not protect your family from damage and financial loss related to floods. Though flood insurance is incredibly important for homeowners all over the country, there are many myths and misconceptions about the coverage, leading homeowners to believe it’s not necessary.

3 Flood Insurance Myths Debunked

1. You Can Only Get a Policy If You Live in a Flood Plain

Flood InsuranceThough your mortgage lender will likely require you to purchase a flood policy if you live in a flood plain, the coverage is not restricted solely to those homeowners. You can live anywhere and qualify for a policy. Remember, flash floods can occur anywhere, and your standard homeowner’s policy will not cover the damage related to even minor floods.

2. My Homeowner’s Policy Covers All Water Damage

Water damage related to a roof leak or burst pipe will likely be covered by your policy. However, if the same storm causes a flood, any damage related to the rising waters will not be covered. Your insurance adjuster will assess the damage to determine if a claim can be filed; unless you have flood coverage, you’re on your own.

3. Flood Insurance Covers Everything Related to the Damage

Even the highest quality flood policies have coverage limits. For most federally backed policies under the NFIP — National Flood Insurance Program — the coverage limit is capped at $250,000. If your home is worth more than that, you’ll need to purchase supplemental coverage through a private insurance broker.


Spare yourself the stress of worrying about floods and protect your home with a quality flood insurance policy from P.D.H. Insurance Brokerage in Valley Stream, NY. Their experienced brokers have over 30 years of experience helping residents protect their homes and their families. Whether you’re looking for a new auto insurance policy to protect your new vehicle or want a revised quote on your existing homeowner’s policy, they’re ready to help. Learn more online and call (516) 561-5227 for a free quote today.
