
The following tips can help you restart a lapsed exercise routine that will accompany your dietary weight loss efforts. Don’t be overwhelmed or feel you have to commit to a lengthy, strenuous routine to be successful at managing your weight.  Read below for some simple ideas:

  1. Make a date to be active with a friend.
  2. Try to walk for a short duration in the beginning, 10 minutes for example will be enough to establish a routine.
  3. Focus your thoughts on the environment around you. Walking outdoors is a great way to take in the smells, sounds, and beauty in the world.
  4. Focus on the benefits of physical activity and measure progress in areas like strength and balance.
  5. Plan the type, duration, and time for your physical activity. Being specific on days and times will help you to best fit it your routine.

Don’t forget to plan ahead for changes in the weather that could affect your physical activity routine.  Having a back up option, like an indoor recumbent bike may work well for extreme temperatures.  Being active is a necessary part in keeping weight off long term.  For any questions please call us at (402) 483-4770 or visit our site at


