
Oil heat is relied on for everything from keeping your home cozy to warming industrial spaces. It’s a versatile product derived from petroleum, and its benefits are varied. It provides homeowners with a low-cost option for comfort, and it’s long been considered a reliable fuel source in many applications. There’s another advantage many may not realize — its environmental impact. Here’s the surprising information you should know if you’re thinking of purchasing discount oil for your property.

How Heating Oil Benefits the Environment

1. It Is Highly Efficient

Norwich, CT discount oilEfficiency matters when it comes to heating your home or business. Even with discount oil, the more you need, the more you’ll pay — and the more impact it has on the environment. Modern oil heat boilers, however, are designed to efficiently heat your property with minimal energy waste. You can also reduce the warming capacity of an oversized boiler by asking a professional to install a small nozzle, which will minimize its output and reduce your oil bills.

2. Air Pollution Is Low

Oil heat boilers produce minimal emissions, meaning there’s little to no air pollution that results from their use. Since it doesn’t ignite until it reaches a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s a safe choice for everyone. Beyond that, it is biodegradable, free of carcinogens, and completely non-toxic.

3. It Burns Very Clean

You can trust that your discount oil is one of the cleanest choices you can make for your property. It’s considered a clean fuel that burns especially well thanks to modern mixing advancements. The United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) deemed in 2010 that home heating oils could only contain a certain amount of sulfur content. The result is a much cleaner burning product that won’t harm the air or the fuel itself.  


Specializing in discount oil, Norwich Discount Oil is the leading source for heating oil delivery in Norwich, CT. Serving residences and businesses, the company is renowned for its clean-burning, environmentally friendly products. Visit the website to learn more about scheduling an oil delivery, or call (860) 886-5508 to speak with a representative today.
