
Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease occurs due to poor oral care. Along with regular visits to a trusted dentist, there are also important steps you can take to ensure your gums remain healthy. The following are a few common causes of gum disease, and how you can prevent them from tarnishing your bright, healthy smile.

The Top 3 Causes of Gum Disease

1. Medication

Dry mouth is a side effect of many medications. Saliva is integral for keeping gums and teeth healthy, and people suffering from dry mouth lack the sufficient amount of saliva to keep bacteria at bay. If dry mouth is an issue, speak with your doctor about tweaking your medication. You can also ask your dentist about artificial saliva; these are products administered orally that combat the effects of dry mouth.

2. Plaque Build Up

dentistPlaque is rife with bacteria and it will inflame gums if left unchecked. That’s why it’s so important that you brush and floss on a daily basis; this routine removes plaque along the gum line where it can do the most damage. Additionally, your dentist can help remove plaque during routine teeth cleanings. Once plaque progresses to tartar, only special dental instruments can remove it.

3. Misaligned Teeth

For your oral hygiene efforts to be effective, you must be able to reach all the areas of your mouth. Misaligned teeth make it difficult to do so, which can lead to some parts of your gums becoming inflamed. If this is true in your case, speak to your dentist about remedying misaligned teeth with orthodontics or dental surgery, such as an extraction.


In Lincoln, NE, the dentists at Cherry Hill Dentistry are dedicated to helping their patients achieve optimum dental health. Along with providing essential information on topics like gum disease, they also offer a wide range of treatments aimed at keeping your teeth healthy for life. If you’d like to learn more about the complete listing of general dentistry services, feel free to visit them online. You can also call (402) 488-2383 to schedule an appointment for you or a loved one today.
