
After a long winter cooped up indoors, dogs are just as eager as their human companions to spend time outside once warm weather arrives. The veterinarians at Animal Care Center of Fairfield recommend that patients and walk-in clients groom canines regularly to keep them healthy during spring and summer. Below, they stress the importance of doing so.

Why Dog Grooming Is Crucial in Warm Weather

1. Prevent Heat Stroke

veterinarianImagine running around outside in a winter coat in the spring or summer. The extra layers are bound to make you get overheated. That’s exactly how dogs feel once they leave indoor air conditioning and step outside. When temperatures start to rise, remember to brush them daily. The bristles will remove excess fur to keep the dog cool and comfortable, preventing heat stroke.

2. Detect Parasites Before They Cause Illness

When walking in the park or rolling around in the grass, fleas and ticks can bite your four-legged companion. It can be difficult to see insects under layers of fur, which means you might not realize there’s a problem until the animal shows signs of illness. While washing and brushing the dog, a groomer will inspect the animal’s skin for parasites. Early detection could save your dog’s life, as veterinarians will immediately start the animal on a treatment plan to restore their health. 

3. Reduce the Likelihood of Painful Infections

Due to the L-shape of the ear canal, it can be difficult for all the water to escape your dog’s ear after swimming. The moist conditions can cause bacteria to grow and a painful infection to form in the inner ear. Breeds with floppy ears, such as basset hounds and cocker spaniels, are more susceptible to developing infections, as the ear flap also makes it hard for water to escape. During grooming appointments, the groomer can detect redness or swelling in the dog’s ears. If there is cause for concern, you can get canines help before the infection spreads. 

Apart from regular dog grooming, staying up to date with pet vaccines is the best way to keep animals healthy and happy. For pet care services available in Butler and Hamilton counties, reach out to the veterinarians at Animal Care Center of Fairfield. Their friendly staff will provide medical treatments and grooming services to improve your pet’s quality of life and tips to curb their anxiety during appointments. Visit the veterinary clinic online to discover the many ways they will care for your pets and call (513) 829-6621 to make an appointment. Follow the veterinarians on Facebook for additional treatment information and news alerts.  
