
One of the most important parts of a house is its foundation. Using high-quality materials, coupled with the skills of an experienced contractor, can ensure that your home will maintain its structural integrity for years to come. Byer Steel, a leading rebar manufacturer in Cincinnati, OH, shares some information about the materials necessary to lay down a strong foundation.

Rebar Mill Lists 5 Essential Materials for Home Foundations

1. Concrete

Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials in any construction, including foundations. The walls and bottom layer of your foundation are made from poured concrete. It is easy to mold and quick to dry but is extremely durable if allowed to set properly. 

2. Concrete Blocks

These brick-shaped materials are made from concrete and are typically used to cover foundation surfaces that are exposed. When building your foundation, choose heavy-duty, exterior-grade concrete blocks that are frost-resistant to prevent them from getting damaged when water seeps into them and freezes.

3. Rebar

Regardless of rebarthe quality of the concrete slabs you use, they will crack under pressure without the support of stainless steel rebars. These reinforcing materials vary in thickness and are fixed into the concrete before it dries, giving additional strength and durability to the foundation.

4. Wood

While the notion of using wood for your foundation might sound absurd, pressure-treated ones are an excellent and less expensive option for light wooden houses. But even if you choose to use concrete, you will still need wooden frames to shape it.

5. Waterproofing Material

Since foundations are laid a few feet underground, they are usually exposed to moisture, especially during the rainy season. There are several products available in the market, including rubberized asphalt, polythene, and asphaltic emulsions, that can help prevent water damage.

Proper foundation installation can help save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to perform frequent repairs. If you need quality and affordable rebar products, turn to Byer Steel. This manufacturing company has been in the industry since 1937. They also provide metal recycling for brass, aluminum, steel, iron, and lead. Call (513) 821-6400 or visit their website for more information.
