
Experts recommend taking your child to see the dentist for the first time by their first birthday. While this might seem early, cavities can develop as soon as your little one starts growing teeth. Getting examined by a children’s dentist at an early age can protect your kid’s oral health now and in the future.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

What to Expect

During your little one’s first dental appointment, a children’s dentist will thoroughly examine their jaw and teeth to make sure they are developing properly in addition to checking for cavities, gum infections, and other oral health issues. Once the dentist is finished examining your child’s mouth, they’ll show you how to brush your little one’s teeth correctly and give you additional tips for taking care of your child’s teeth and gums. If you have any questions about your kid’s dental health, don’t be afraid to ask.

How to Prepare Your Child

children's dentistIt’s normal to be a little nervous about your child’s first dental visit. You may worry about how your little one will react during this new experience. However, if you prepare in advance, the process should go a lot smoother. 

Make sure your kid has taken a nap and eaten a light meal before the appointment. A well rested child with a fully belly is less likely to be fussy in the dentist’s chair. It may also help to bring a familiar object like a toy or blanket to ease your little one’s nerves.


If your child recently reached their first birthday, make an appointment to see a children’s dentist soon. Pediatric Dental Group has provided dental care services to children in Honolulu, HI, since 1966. The compassionate dentists at this practice have received an additional two to three years of training to specially treat children, and will do everything they can to make your child comfortable during their first visit. Call (808) 593-8828 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website for more information.
