
Although memorizing principles and equations are important when children learn mathematics, analyzing information and being able to make correlations are just as crucial to academic success. When looking for ways to reinforce what’s learned in school, it’s important to look for math programs for kids that focus on problem-solving. When kids are taught techniques to process information in a problem, it is much easier for them to find the right solutions. 

How Math Programs Focused on Problem-Solving Lead to Better Grades 

Provides Building Blocks to Succeed at Each Level

The concepts and principles learned in math will only get more complex as the child progresses in school. Without a strong understanding of what’s taught at one level, they can’t advance to the next one. Math programs for kids that feature problem-solving components offer a different way to interpret data. Instead of just focusing on mechanics, real situations are applied to problems. It’s often easier to retain information when it’s presented in story form. Kids can use this technique to progress in school later.   

Promotes an Active Interest in Mathematics 

San-Jose-California-math-programs-for-kidsThe ultimate goal in math is to find a solution to a problem. When studies focus on problem-solving, children are often more engaged with what they’re learning. When the information is presented as a story, there is a sense of discovery when they get an equation right. Wanting to find the right solution to a problem will help your child develop an active interest in mathematics and the motivation to succeed in their coursework.

Ensures Students Don’t Rely on Memorization

Having a good memory will help a student succeed in a wide variety of subjects, but it doesn’t guarantee they will truly understand the materials. When math programs for kids are focused on problem-solving, students learn how to formulate conjectures and interpret patterns to find solutions. This means they won’t have to rely on memorization, which can sometimes be an unreliable learning technique when it comes to math.


If you’re looking for programs with a concentration in improving problem-solving skills for kids, reach out to JEI Learning Center in South San Jose, CA. The educators at this learning center are committed to providing kids with tools to boost their confidence so they can achieve their academic goals. To learn more about their math programs for kids, call (408) 270-6162, and visit the center online for details.
