
If your application for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits was denied, as well as your subsequent request for reconsideration, the case will proceed to a hearing. Going before a judge is intimidating, even if you are not technically “on trial,” but you can eliminate much of the stress by hiring an SSD lawyer and preparing for the hearing ahead of time. Below, the knowledgeable legal team at David W. Kapor & Associates in Cincinnati, OH, explains the basic proceedings, so you know what to expect going into it. 

Your Testimony

Social Security disability hearings are usually fairly quick and relatively simple, but it’s still wise to prepare for the questioning in advance. After the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) introduces everyone in the room, which might include your lawyer, a court reporter, and one or more expert witnesses, they will state the facts of the case and then begin the questioning. 

When testifying, you can expect to discuss the condition, its limitations, and previous employment. You can contribute to the strength of your testimony by quantifying certain details and providing specific examples whenever possible. When the ALJ has finished asking questions, your attorney will get an opportunity to speak on your behalf or request any additional inquiries that are relevant to the case. 

Others’ Testimony

disabilityIf there are any expert witnesses in attendance, the judge will then ask for their opinion on the situation and the answers that you gave. Experts who might contribute to the disability hearing include medical specialists and job placement professionals. These parties will speak on the extent of your condition and how it might affect your chances of earning a living wage in the future. 

After everyone has testified, the ALJ might attempt to clarify any discrepancies and ask if you have anything to add. Claimants can expect to receive a decision by mail three to four weeks later. If the judge issues a “bench decision” before you leave, you must still wait to receive the decision in writing to get benefits. 

If you want to apply for Social Security disability benefits or file an appeal after receiving a denial, turn to David W. Kapor & Associates for unparalleled guidance during every stage of the process. Based in Cincinnati, OH, this firm is committed to helping clients who can no longer earn a living wage. You can schedule a free consultation with a compassionate attorney on their team by visiting their website or calling (513) 721-2820. 
