
Oral piercings are body piercings in the tongue, lips, uvula, and cheeks. While this trend in body art is popular, it can have some adverse effects on your oral health. Before deciding to get a piercing, think about the consequences and decide if you’re willing to take the risk. Below, the cosmetic dentists at Waterford Dental Health in Connecticut outline a few of the most significant consequences to know about.

Everything You Need to Know About Oral Body Piercings

1. Infection

Infections are a concern with all body piercings, but they are particularly prevalent in oral piercings. This is because the mouth contains higher levels of bacteria than most of the body; it’s why cosmetic dentists recommend brushing and flossing twice a day. Infections and swelling inside the mouth can make it difficult to breathe, lead to tooth loss, and even spread to cause other conditions throughout the body, such as heart problems.

2. Chipped Teeth

cosmetic dentistChipped teeth and destroyed tooth fillings are particularly common with tongue piercings. As people talk and eat, their tongue touches their teeth. Teeth are strong, but they are not designed to handle the regular impact of a hard piece of jewelry. If the chips are deep enough, you may eventually require a root canal by a cosmetic dentist. If they are not properly repaired, you could lose the tooth.

3. Blood Loss & Nerve Damage

The mouth is full of blood vessels and nerves. Even an experienced piercer may have trouble completely avoiding them. Many oral piercings lead to uncontrolled and prolonged bleeding. Those who have severe bleeding may accidentally swallow a lot of blood, which upsets the stomach and often leads to vomiting. Nerve damage can be permanent, as well.

A cosmetic dentist will help you get the attractive and healthy smile you’ve always wanted, but you’ll have to do your part for your oral health, as well. The team at Waterford Dental Health in Connecticut will help you make an impact with your smile in a different way, with services ranging from Invisalign® to teeth whitening. Give them a call today at (860) 447-2235 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information on what they do. 
