
Patients receive tooth extractions when one or multiple teeth become damaged or infected. Your dentist may also remove them if they are causing problems for surrounding teeth, such as crowding. If you think you need treatment, here are the most common procedures and what to expect from the process. 

Dentist’s Guide to Tooth Extractions 

Extraction Types 

The kinds of extractions are non-surgical and surgical. A non-surgical removal is performed when the tooth is visible above the gum line. You may need surgery if the tooth has not erupted above the gums, or if it breaks into pieces once it erupts. 

Dentists commonly extract wisdom teeth if they cause pain, swelling, infection, or damage to other structures. If your wisdom tooth is above the gums and causing symptoms, you will receive a simple removal. Some teeth are impacted, which means they do not have enough room in your mouth to erupt or develop normally. In this case, the dentist will perform a surgical intervention. 

Treatment Options 

Thomasville-Tooth-ExtractionYour experience will vary depending on the type of procedure you need. During a non-surgical extraction, the dentist will numb the area with anesthesia and loosen the tooth with a tool called an elevator. Next, they will use a set of forceps to remove it from the socket. The anesthesia will prevent you from feeling pain during treatment. You may experience minor discomfort and swelling for a short time afterward. 

During tooth extraction surgery, you will receive medication to numb the mouth. You may also have an intravenous anesthetic or nitrous oxide treatment. After you are comfortable, the dental care provider will cut a small incision into the gum to help remove the tooth. Complicated cases may require smoothing or removal of the surrounding jaw bone or cutting the tooth in half to extract it. 

Like a simple extraction, you will not feel pain during the procedure. Once your physician removes the tooth, you may need to wait a short time until sedation wears off. You will likely be in more discomfort afterward than with a non-surgical removal. Follow aftercare instructions carefully and tell your doctor if your wound refuses to clot or if you are experiencing swelling, fever, or discomfort after treatment. 


No matter the type of procedure you need, the skilled dental care team at Darr Dentistry in Thomasville, NC, will guide you through the removal options and ensure you are comfortable during treatment. To make an appointment for a tooth extraction, call (336) 475-1614. For information about dental implants and other tooth replacement options, visit their website
