
Finding the right dentist for you can seem daunting, especially if there are several options within a reasonable distance of your home. When it comes time to choose and set up an appointment, consider selecting a family dentist. Below, Stafford Dental Associates LLC in Stafford Springs, CT, shares three reasons they recommend these dental health specialists.

Seeing a Family Dentist Offers These 3 Benefits

1. Ample Experience & Skills

Family dentists can tackle just about any oral health issue you have. They’ll work with hygienists to perform teeth cleanings, take X-rays, remove cavities, and install fillings. They can fix chipped teeth, address crown and bridge issues, and even perform oral surgery. Many practices also have 24-hour emergency services in case you experience oral trauma and require immediate professional attention.

2. Easy Appointments

family dentistWhen your whole household needs their biannual dental checkups, don’t schedule appointments out across a week or two. Instead, head to a family dentist, who will fit everyone in one after the other. These health professionals specialize in treating people of all ages, so they’ll be gentle and kind to your little ones as well as handle dentures and implants for seniors as needed.

3. Excellent Relationships

You may be able to see the same family dentist for many years. This will make each trip easier, as you know what to expect. Forming a friendship with your oral health care provider can help reduce anxiety and make the visits something to look forward to. Family dentists will also know your full history, which will help them provide the best care possible.

Need to schedule an appointment with a family dentist in Stafford Springs? Call Stafford Dental Associates LLC today at (860) 684-5296. Since 1977, these compassionate professionals have worked with area residents to ensure they have beautiful, healthy smiles. Visit the website for information on their services, including comprehensive exams, screenings for oral cancer, and cosmetic dentistry. 
