
Bees can offer a host of benefits for lawns and gardens. Mainly, they collect pollen from each plant and spread it throughout other blossoms in the area. This fertilizes each bloom so they can produce seeds for next year’s growth. Interested in learning how to attract bees to your property? Follow these four simple lawn maintenance tips to see an increase in these small flying insects.

4 Lawn Maintenance Tips for Attracting Bees

1. Plant Purposefully

If you want to attract bees to your property, you need to plant flowers they are known to prefer. Some of these include large geraniums, tall black-eyed Susans, and delicate coneflowers. The signature scents and colors of these blooms appeal to bees and encourage them to stop by for frequent visits.

2. Stage Colors

lawn maintenanceColor is an integral component of successful gardening that can be used to increase the number of bees on your property. Blues, purples, and yellows are thought to lure bees, and staging them throughout your garden will create the ideal landing space for these insects to sip and gather pollen.

3. Provide Shade

Just like other species, bees need a break from the sun and heat of summer. You can easily provide this by planting a substantial amount of ground cover or a couple of coleus plants with large leaves. The bees will soon recognize your property as a convenient resting place, and they might take advantage of the shade within your garden.

4. Don’t Spray

The last thing you want to do when trying to attract bees to your property is scare them away with harsh chemicals. These can be found in several pesticides and are toxic to the small insects. The best way to ensure they stick around is to avoid using chemicals on open flowers or while the bees are around.


For all of your lawn maintenance needs, rely on the expertise of Metro Sod & Seeding in Lincoln, NE. These professionals have been in the business since 1994 and specialize in a vast assortment of lawn care services. They are recognized for their quality irrigation systems and will supply the seeding and fertilizing solutions your property needs to continue looking its best. Call (402) 730-4421 to talk directly with a representative and set up an appointment, and visit their website for additional information.
