
Being bitten by a dog is often a frightening and overwhelming experience, and it can be confusing trying to figure out what to do next. In the aftermath, your top priority should be getting proper medical attention, but it’s also important to start thinking about the possibility of recovering damages for your injuries. If you believe you have the right to hold the dog owner responsible, you should consult with an attorney as soon as possible.

3 Reasons to Hire an Attorney Following a Dog Bite

1. Pursue Compensation for Medical Expenses & Lost Wages

Dog bites can result in severe injuries that require extensive medical treatment, and the costs can add up quickly. You shouldn’t have to worry about how you’re going to pay for these bills when you were harmed through no fault of your own. A personal injury attorney will know how to accurately evaluate your claim to determine how much you will need to cover your health care and make up for any time you must miss from work.

2. Handle Negotiations With Insurance

attorneyInsurance companies typically set out to pay as little as they can get away with in personal injury claims. This can make it difficult to try and negotiate a fair settlement that eases your financial burden. An experienced attorney will handle negotiations on your behalf and aggressively pursue the full value of your claim. This will save you the hassle of going back and forth with a claims adjustor and prevent you from settling for less than you deserve.

3. Provide Legal Guidance

Filing a personal injury claim is a complex process with specific procedures that must be followed correctly. An attorney will help you navigate the legal system and make sure all the required paperwork is filled out and submitted appropriately. This will keep you from making errors that could damage your case. They will also know how to properly comply with court protocols should you have to go to trial.


A dog bite can have serious repercussions on your health and finances and shouldn’t be taken lightly. For those living in and around Avon, OH, there is no one better equipped to help preserve your rights and educate you on local dog bite laws, than the attorneys at Stringer, Stringer, & Gasior. They have established a solid reputation for successfully holding negligent parties accountable and giving clients the support and guidance they need to fully recover from their injuries. Contact them at (440) 934-7676 to discuss your case, or visit their website to learn more.  
