
If it has been more than a year since you have had a gynecological exam, you should consider scheduling an appointment. Even if you feel perfectly fine, you might have an underlying disorder that you never thought you had. A gynecologist can detect a number of diseases through a simple screening and then recommend the appropriate treatments. 

4 Health Issues Your Gynecologist Can Find

1. Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can lead to itching around the vagina and anus. If the condition is left untreated, it can increase your risk of cervical cancer and pregnancy complications. These warts can typically be treated with medication applied directly to the skin. If the condition doesn’t respond to medicine, your gynecologist may recommend surgery to remove them.

2. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) infects the female reproductive organs and typically results from bacteria from sexually transmitted diseases. Common symptoms of this condition include vaginal discharge, painful sex, fever, and pain in the upper right abdomen. Without proper treatment, PID can lead to infertility, pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and tub-ovarian abscess. Getting yourself checked for STD’s annually at your gynecologist’s office is essential for preventing PID. 

3. Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer affects the cells in the cervix and results from HPV. Women who have had many sexual partners, other sexually transmitted infections, or a weak immune system have the highest risk of developing this disease. The good news is that this cancer is highly treatable if it’s found early through Pap tests. Medical professionals recommend for women to start getting these tests at age 21 and repeat every few years.

4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This hormonal disorder is accompanied by irregular periods, excess hair growth, weight gain, and thinning hair; it also affects women of reproductive age. If it’s not treated, polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to serious health issues, like heart disease and diabetes. Common treatments for this condition include exercising, eating healthy, and losing weight. Your gynecologist may also prescribe birth control pills to ease your symptoms. 


If you are due for a gynecological exam, trust the health care professionals at Caring for Women. The women’s health clinic has provided excellent OB-GYN care to Anchorage, AK, residents for more than 20 years. Whether you need a routine checkup or menopause care, a compassionate gynecologist will be happy to treat you. For more information, call them at (907) 279-2229 or visit the website.
