
Although the most common symptoms of gum disease include red, puffy gums and chronic bad breath, periodontal disease can progress quickly, causing painful infections in the roots of teeth called abscesses. It’s essential to know about abscesses and why they need to be treated immediately by dentists. Your dental and overall well-being could be at risk if you’re got vigilant.

Learning About Dental Infections

What Are Tooth Abscesses?

The same oral bacteria that cause dental decay and gum disease can gain access to the delicate pulp chamber of teeth where they can flourish easily. Abscesses are infections in and around the teeth that cause pockets of disease near the tooth roots — sparking swelling, puss accumulations, and intense pain. While many abscesses are caused by unchecked dental decay, infections can also stem from tooth fractures and nighttime teeth grinding. Once protective dental enamel has been compromised, bacteria can move deeper into the teeth, increasing your risk of developing an abscess.

Why Are Abscesses Dangerous? 

gum diseaseAbscesses are dangerous because dental infections can spread into the bloodstream, causing inflammation that runs throughout the entire body. In fact, oral bacteria have been discovered within plaque lining arteries in heart attack patients. Fortunately, dentists can resolve gum disease and abscesses by cleaning the surfaces of the teeth carefully and conducting root canals to remove interior infections. Dentists also use antibiotics to kill the bacteria that cause abscesses, giving the body a chance to heal properly. 


If you are living with any of these signs of gum disease or a tooth abscess, it is important to report your problems to a dental expert immediately. The team at Bethel Family Dentistry are committed to superior patient care, and Dr. Jan Sapak, DMD offers emergency appointments for patients struggling with urgent dental concerns. If you are worried you might have an infection, visit Bethel Family Dentistry online to learn more about the treatments they offer, and call (513) 734-2029 to book a visit. 
