
One of the most important conversations you will have when getting a divorce is with your children. It is essential that you and your soon-to-be ex present a united front during for this talk. This will provide kids with the sense of security they need. Below are some tips on how to handle the discussion.

How to Discuss Divorce With Children

1. Only Tell Kids Once You Are Sure

divorceYou don’t want to confuse kids by announcing you are divorcing only to change your mind later. If possible, wait until you have signed a divorce agreement that settles issues like custody. This also ensures you are prepared to answer your children’s questions.

2. Plan What You Will Say Together

Take time to plan what you will say. Emphasize that you have tried to work on the problems in your marriage but are unable to solve them — and this is not their fault. Set aside a quiet time and place to have this conversation.

3. Provide Reassurance & Love

Make it clear to the children you still love them and both parents will still be integral parts of their lives. Let them know that they can rely on you.

4. Prepare For Questions

Every child will react differently to the news that Mom and Dad are separating. Be prepared for all kinds of queries. Children will want to know how this affects them and might ask things like whether they will have to change schools or move houses.

5. Keep Your Cool

Avoid conflict when telling the kids. Now is not the time to argue or place blame. If the children ask questions you are not prepared for — about visitation, for instance — tell them you do not yet have an answer; don’t try to hash it out in front of them.


A family lawyer will alleviate the stress of divorce. While they handle the paperwork and negotiations, you can focus on your family. For a trustworthy attorney in Batavia, OH, look to Swartz Law Office. Since opening the doors of the law firm in 2011, Donald K. Swartz has dedicated himself to providing residents with attentive, personalized legal counsel. To request an appointment, use the online form or call (513) 732-0900.
