
If you are looking for an effective way to save money on your energy bills, consider installing a geothermal heating pump. Invented in the late 1940s, this system transfers heat from the ground into your home using fluid circulated through loops of underground pipe. With this heating pump, you can expect to save up to 40% on your electricity bills.

How a Geothermal Heat Pump Works

geothermalA geothermal heat pump is different from a traditional heating system because it moves existing heat from one place to another instead of burning fuel. The fluid in the underground pipes pulls out heat from the ground and carries it to the geothermal unit. Then, the warm air is circulated in the home through a hydronic system. 

Benefits of a Geothermal Heating System

The most important benefit of a geothermal heating system is that it can help you save significant money on your energy bills. The temperatures underground remain constant throughout the year, so the system doesn’t have to use as much energy to keep your home at a comfortable climate.

The system is also protected against outside elements, so maintenance is minimal. The underground piping typically has a warranty of 50 years, and the heat pump is warrantied for 25 years. Additionally, geothermal heat pumps are more friendly toward the environment because they don’t emit carbon monoxide and other toxic gases.


If you are considering getting a geothermal heating system, put your trust in Cowboy’s Heating & Air. They specialize in installing geothermal heat pumps in the Miami Valley and Tri-State area, and are available seven days a week. A qualified heating contractor will give you an accurate estimate before beginning the job and explain their procedures in detail. For a free quote, call (937) 604-1541 or visit their website for more information.
