
If you work in the agricultural industry, you’re probably familiar with aglime, short for “agricultural limestone.” The soil additive is beneficial for farms across the country, offering an array of benefits that help plants and livestock grow strong and healthy. What exactly is aglime, and what are the impressive benefits? 


Aglime is composed of pulverized limestone or chalk. Active chemicals include calcium carbonate, along with various additions such as calcium and magnesium oxide. As a powerful, man-made substance, aglime creates notable gains in fields across the country.


While residential growers use gravel and limestone for its decorative elements, aglime is different, offering tangible benefits for the agricultural industry. It magnifies animal grazing and crop yield while contributing to the quality of hay. These benefits are particularly notable on acidic soil with results from heavy rains and crop removal. Aglime counteracts acidity to help agricultural workers reach their full potential, whether they’re growing crops or raising livestock.

Livestock Benefits

Calcium is a major contributor of bone growth in livestock, so for farmers who breed or raise animals, the high calcium naturally present in aglime helps those animals develop. Not only do animals benefit from the soil content itself, but many farmers apply aglime because it increases milk production, which is another key supplier of calcium.

Plant Benefits

aglimeAs a soil additive, aglime offers remarkable benefits to America’s farms. When you add it to your fields, you’ll notice alkalinity increase and soil acidity decrease, resulting in the healthier ground for plants, fruits, and vegetables to achieve optimum growth. Water penetration, calcium, and magnesium levels are also elevated, and aglime enables easier uptake of the key nutrients cultivating plants, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.


For customers throughout Greater Cincinnati, Hanson Aggregates is the premier supplier of aglime, gravel, limestone, and more. The experienced team operates three area plants, offering an impressive inventory and affordable pricing with both pickup and delivery service available six days a week. Visit the website to learn more, use their handy materials calculator to take the ease out of ordering, or call (800) 654-9229 to request your quote today. 
