
If you have been injured because of another person’s negligence, you may have cause to file a personal injury case. Such a claim doesn’t just encompass costs of medical care for physical injuries; it can also address mental and emotional distress after the even–or so-called “pain and suffering”. Read on to find out what this entails exactly.

The Legal Definition of “Pain & Suffering”

In legal terms, pain and suffering can refer to both physical discomfort or mental anguish. Physical pain refers to the prolonged effects you may experience after your accident. For example, if you shattered a hip in a car accident. Although the actual injury could be fixed during surgery, it could lead to related aches and pains in the affected areas for years to come.

personal injuryAs far as mental terms, pain and suffering can refer to a variety of symptoms that result from emotional distress. Following a trauma, you may experience signs of mental anguish, such as fear, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These emotional symptoms could also affect you physically—for example, you could develop insomnia as a result of anxiety.

How to Claim Damages for Pain & Suffering

If you are experiencing symptoms of pain and suffering following an accident, it’s important that you include any associated expenses in the personal injury claim. For example, if you are struggling with depression after the accident, and you begin seeing a mental health counselor, you should keep a record of your appointment and any money spent. Although the law doesn’t have set rules or amounts for how to calculate damages for pain and suffering in personal injury cases, your attorney will know how to build a strong case arguing for compensation. 


If you were injured in an accident and want to take legal action against the liable party, turn to Michael D. Doyle, Attorney At Law in Elyria, OH. With more than 25 years of experience, he has built a reputation for showing his clients attentive and compassionate care. Visit him online to learn more about his services, and call (440) 323-0001 to schedule a consultation regarding your personal injury case today.
