
When produced naturally by the liver, cholesterol can help support cell health. But when too much LDL or bad cholesterol builds up in the bloodstream—usually due to poor diet choices—it can raise the risk of heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD, PA, reminds patients that there are plenty of ways to protect against this problem. As promoters of heart health, this cardiac care practice in Rochelle Park, NJ, highlights a few strategies to reduce high cholesterol.

3 Ways to Keep High Cholesterol at Bay

1. Watch Your Diet 

high cholesterolWatching what you eat is one of the best ways to reduce and prevent high cholesterol levels. Adopt a heart-healthy diet that limits sugar, sodium, saturated fats, and trans fats—all major contributors to LDL cholesterol. Instead, snack on foods that are high in fiber and unsaturated fats, like oatmeal and avocado, which increase your body’s level of HDL—or “good cholesterol.” As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains, HDL can absorb LDL and flush it from the body.

2. Exercise to Avoid Excess Weight

Individuals who are overweight or obese face greater difficulty removing LDL cholesterol from their bodies. As a result, excess weight is a major risk factor for high cholesterol. While eating healthy can help you manage your weight, it’s also important to exercise regularly to burn excess fat. A fitness regimen will also help lower high blood pressure levels—another problem that contributes to heart disease and stroke.

3. Kick Bad Habits 

When you drink too much alcohol, the substance increases the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood. Additionally, smoking cigarettes damages blood vessels and cause arteries to harden—two factors that contribute to cholesterol problems. Finding a way to limit or cease these habits can greatly improve your heart health and better support your general wellness.

Practice these steps on a regular basis and have your cholesterol levels tested every five years to assess your risk. If they find an issue, the specialists at DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD, PA, provide the comprehensive services you need to restore your well-being. Backed by over 20 years of experience and advanced resources, they’ll give you the quality guidance and services you need to prevent or treat high cholesterol. You can learn more about their approach online or call (201) 845-3535 to schedule a consultation with a trusted cardiologist today.
