
You know that candy and soda aren’t right for your teeth, but do you know what you are going to order for lunch and how it could affect your smile? While some foods and drinks support oral hygiene, others are counterproductive, which can interfere with your daily efforts. Here are three foods that support oral hygiene, and how to add them into your daily diet. 

Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth

1. Crunchy Produce

Crisp vegetables and crunchy fruits contain fibrous material that helps to clean the surfaces of your teeth while you chew, reducing your chances of developing periodontal disease. Additionally, fruits and veggies are high in Vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant that promotes oral health. To eat more fruits and vegetables, wash and pre-cut apples, carrots, and celery sticks; and, keep them in easy-to-grab bags in your refrigerator. 

2. Yogurt 

oral hygieneIn addition to containing loads of calcium, yogurt also contains healthy bacteria that helps crowd out the harmful bacteria you have in your mouth. Additionally, the active cultures in yogurt slow the growth of new oral bacteria, making your mouth cleaner and healthier. Consider packing yogurt with you for a healthy mid-day snack. 

3. Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to boost saliva production, which can help wash away food particles and dilute bacterial levels. Keep sugar-free gum in your car, desk, and pocket so you always have a stick ready to go.


Knowing which foods and dental products are best for your teeth isn’t always easy, which is why your dentist should take time with each patient to discuss their concerns. The entire team at Bethel Family Dentistry is committed to helping patients improve their health and oral hygiene, so schedule your next appointment today. Whether you need a routine cleaning or you are interested in a full smile makeover, this experienced dentist and his staff can help. To learn more about their Bethel, OH, practice, visit them online or call (513) 734-2029.
