
When a loved one has passed, grieving is an important step in dealing with the loss. Grief is not easy and finding the right help is important for healing. To better understand grief and guidance after losing a family member or friend, here are a few commonly asked questions.

Grief & Guidance FAQs

What Are the Best Ways to Grieve Healthily?

Grief and guidance should occur together since grieving without the help of another can turn into depression. Grief counseling is a healthy way to express emotions and learn techniques for moving on. It is normal for people to lose their appetite, have sleep trouble, or lash out angrily during this time. Therapists are trained in handling bereavement and offer steps for healing based on the individual. Grieving alone and bottling up feelings are not recommended.

How Can I Help Someone Who Is Grieving?

grief and guidanceBesides recommending grief counseling, there are many ways to help someone dealing with loss. Make sure they are eating and taking care of themselves. Sometimes they just need someone there, so they aren’t alone. If they want to talk, let them express themselves freely. Find ways to remember those who are gone positively. Share stories, look at photos, or create a scrapbook together, writing down your favorite moments and memories. Recommend writing in a journal to give them a private place to let it out.

How Long Will It Take to Get Through the Grieving Process?

Everyone handles loss differently, and there is no set timeline for how long someone will grieve. Grief lasts as long as they need it to or until they are ready to take the next step. Most individuals will cycle through the five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—but how long they stay in each is subjective. Help with grief and guidance through each stage makes the process easier.


For funeral services as well as grief and guidance after the loss of a loved one, Cincinnati, OH, turns to TP White & Sons Funeral Home. The family-owned funeral home offers everything you need after someone passes, and their compassionate staff is on hand to help when you need them. Call (513) 231-7150 or visit their website for more information.
