
In the past, massage therapy lessons have been tailored to those seeking licensure in the profession. Hawaii Massage Academy in Honolulu, HI, is now offering a brand-new couples’ massage training lessons. The bodywork school is opening its doors to pairs who would like to learn how to perform soothing treatments on each other. Read on to learn more about whether this opportunity is right for you and your loved one.

Why You’ll Enjoy Couples’ Class at Hawaii Massage Academy

What Is Couples’ Massage Training?

Often, we need a simple touch to help alleviate pain and stiffness but don’t have the time or money to book an appointment. Since therapeutic massage therapy should always be performed by a licensed professional, it can be intimidating to practice the technique yourself. This class will teach you the basic techniques that can be performed on a table or chair using lotion or dry skin.

Who Should Take the Lessons?

Massage TherapyAny couple, romantic or otherwise, is invited to take the class. Spouses will enjoy learning how to perform the treatments on one another, but the benefits are not limited to them. Those with school-age kids might want to learn how to alleviate growing pains or tightness from sports with massage therapy. Children of aging parents will find that being able to relieve joint stiffness and muscle aches will be extremely helpful as well.

What Are Some of the Benefits of Taking the Class?

Spouses will now have another bonding exercise to keep their marriage vital and strong. You can save money by performing treatments at home on your own. Finally, regular massage therapy can help boost immune health and keep you free from injury and illness.

Massage therapy is a skill that requires years of instruction to become licensed, but now you and your loved one can learn the basics in this class. Hawaii Massage Academy in Honolulu, HI, offers thorough training to prepare professionals for successful careers. To learn more about the school, visit them online. For more information on scheduling and pricing for the couple’s massage training, call (808) 398-8828.
