
Pets add immense amounts of laughter and joy to your home. However, they should also be properly taken care of. One of the most common issues your pet should be protected against is fleas. Of course, before you can treat a problem, you should be able to recognize it. To help, Wachal Pet Health Center, a top veterinarian office in Lincoln, NE, has shared their knowledge.

How Do You Know When Your Pet Has Fleas?

1. Hair Loss

veterinarianTake note if your dog or cat is experiencing hair loss in one or more specific locations. Perhaps a patch of skin can be seen on their foot or leg. Some animals are more allergic to fleas than others. A side effect might be excess shedding in the affected area. On the other hand, this can also result from excessive scratching, licking, or biting in attempts to ease the discomfort.

2. Hot Spots

If you suspect fleas, take a thorough look at your dog’s skin. Check for hot spots. These could appear red, swollen, and inflamed and might be warm to the touch. These are often popular in the armpit or groin area. Also, look for bumpy, scaly, or even pimpled patches of skin, as these are all signs of an infestation.

3. Flea Dirt

Flea dirt is not dirt. In fact, it’s waste and dried blood left behind by the pests. This is a sure sign that at least one critter has made its home on your pet. To better determine whether the spot is dried blood or, indeed, dirt, grab it using a damp paper towel. If it turns a dark red, it can be confirmed as blood, and you should visit a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Knowing the signs of fleas helps protect your dog or cat. The veterinarians at Wachal Pet Health Center strive to give the best pet care in the Lincoln area. With a passion for all creatures, they guarantee to treat yours with the utmost respect and love. Not only do they provide flea and tick prevention but pet boarding and grooming as well. For more information on their services, visit their website, or call (402) 477-7877 today to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian.
