
Emotional eating is characterized by increased food consumption in response to various feelings, including depression, anxiety, and boredom. You may not even notice your emotions are causing you to eat more, which can put your health at risk and leave you puzzled about any sudden changes in weight. Nebraska Weight Management Institute specializes in formulating weight loss plans for Lincoln and Omaha residents to specifically target emotional eating. Below, they explain more about it.

Emotional Eating & Developing a Weight Loss Plan to Prevent It

Understand the Issue

It is a common misconception that emotional eating is caused exclusively by negative feelings. On the contrary, this eating disorder may emerge from fear and anger just as easily as it arises from excitement and anticipation. Major life issues, such as job changes, relationship difficulties, and financial troubles typically trigger emotional eating. Although comforting in the moment, overeating for emotional reasons is not healthy in the long run.  

Develop Coping Strategies

weight loss plansThe good news is there are a variety of effective coping mechanisms for dealing with emotional eating. Start by recording everything you eat in a journal, and make notes about what you are feeling in the moment. Over time, you’ll notice patterns that help you better understand your mood-to-food cycles.

Other strategies include adopting a regular exercise and meditation regimen, which will reduce stress. You should also keep unhealthy foods away from your home to avoid temptation. Finally, consult professionals who will put you on a custom weight loss plan that includes therapy for mental and emotional health.

When you want to lose weight and keep it off for good, allow the specialists at Nebraska Weight Management Institute to improve your quality of life. Give these experts a call at (402) 483-4770 (Lincoln) or (402) 399-9386 (Omaha) today to get started on a personalized weight loss plan. Visit them online to learn more about their programs, including OPTIFAST®. 
