
If your teeth are stained, you may have already considered teeth whitening options on the market. But, for the best results, get a professional treatment. Dentists use tools and techniques that whiten your teeth much more effectively than over-the-counter products. The following are key reasons their methods work best.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment Is the Superior Option


Teeth-WhiteningOver-the-counter whitening products tend to consist of strips you place over your teeth for a certain amount of time each day. This must be done daily for at least a week. During a professional treatment, however, you’re at the dental office for less than an hour. After the treatment is over, your teeth are significantly whiter, making the one-step process hassle-free.


Cosmetic dentistry specialists have access to tools that are stronger than whitening products from a store. A professional begins a treatment by applying a whitening agent to the teeth. Then, they use a laser or similar device to activate it. These advanced technologies create a much whiter smile than you’ll get from products you can apply yourself. If you’re serious about fixing stained teeth, choose a professional, effective treatment.


Although over-the-counter teeth whitening strips are relatively safe, they can cause gum or teeth sensitivity. Dentists, on the other hand, use protective measures to ensure that their whitening agents cause limited irritation or sensitivity. While the methods they use are stronger, the likelihood that they’ll cause discomfort is lower.


You don’t have to live with stained teeth, and it's essential to choose the whitening treatment option that delivers superior results. Do you need teeth whitening treatment in the Lincoln, NE, area? If so, get in touch with Genrich Family Dentistry, serving the region for over 30 years. Their professionals will restore your smile and ensure your comfort throughout the process. Contact them online, or call (402) 466-2211.
