
When enlisting the help of container services, you might be surprised to discover that the capacity of dumpster rentals and other containers are measured in cubic yards. But how exactly do you measure cubic yards, and how can you use these numbers to determine what size dumpster you need? The recycling team at Miamitown Auto Parts & Recycling in Cleves, OH, has your answers.

A cubic yard refers to an area that has a height, width, and length of one yard on each side. To calculate the cubic yardage of an object, simply convert each of these measurements into yards and multiply them. Remember, an object that isn’t a perfect cube could still have a measurement of one cubic yard. 

Of course, it isn’t always easy to container service get precise measurements for the items you’ll be putting into a dumpster, especially when using container services for scrap metal or chunks of concrete. Thankfully, there are a few easy comparisons that can help you better determine how much a dumpster rental will hold.

In general, dumpsters are available in sizes ranging from 10 to 40 cubic yards. While that may not sound like much, a little perspective helps paint a clearer picture. By comparison, the average pickup truck bed holds two to three cubic yards of material, while it takes nine to 12 wheelbarrow loads to haul one cubic yard of material. These visual comparisons can make it easier to determine the dumpster size that will best fit your needs.

Do you need a place to hold excess scrap metal from your project? Container services from Miamitown Auto Parts & Recycling won’t just provide a place to store your junk — they’ll even take it to the salvage yard for you. To learn more about this convenient service, or to schedule a rental for your next project, visit them online or call (513) 353-1111.
