
Being involved in a car collision can be an overwhelming experience. Once the initial fear and shock subside, your concern may turn to your vehicle, the other driver, and any passengers who were with you. In the midst of exchanging insurance information, contacting the authorities, and transporting your automobile to a mechanic, you may neglect to assess your own well-being. The rush of adrenaline and concern over others may cause you to overlook any injuries you sustained. However, whiplash and other symptoms are often delayed, and you will require personal injury treatment to heal them.

Signs You Need Personal Injury Treatment After a Car Accident

1. Chronic Pain

Immediately following trauma, it is common for the nervous system to send a rush of endorphins throughout the body. These chemicals work to mask pain at the moment of impact; however, they wear off in the days following the incident. When they do, you might begin to feel pain in your neck, back, or anywhere else you sustained an injury. If this pain persists for more than three to five days following the collision, seek out personal injury treatment right away to avoid aggravating the injury.

2. Numbness

personal injury treatmentAlthough pain is the most obvious delayed symptom after an injury, you should pay attention to any numbness you may feel as well. Numbness could be a sign of a deeper issue, such as nerve damage. A chiropractor will identify and mitigate this problem, but time is of the essence when it comes to treating this issue.

3. Headaches

If you are experiencing headaches following a vehicle collision, do not chalk it up to everyday stress. This could be a delayed sign of whiplash or a more serious neck injury. Avoid long-term damage by visiting your chiropractor or physician as soon as possible for an X-ray and personal injury treatment. 

4. Difficulty Focusing

Blurred vision, foggy memory, and difficulty focusing are symptomatic of a concussion. Mild concussions often occur during impact; however, because the victim is still conscious, they rarely think to get themselves checked. If you are experiencing these symptoms, seek out an assessment right away to determine the extent of the damage.


For personal injury treatment in High Point, NC, trust South Main Chiropractic Clinic. For nearly 20 years, the team of chiropractors has specialized in spinal exams, headache relief, and injury recovery. Whether you’re experiencing back pain, whiplash, numbness, or another symptom, or call (336) 885-5200 today to schedule an appointment. Visit them online to learn more about their services.
