
Chiropractic adjustments help re-align the spine to optimal positioning, thereby relieving pain and healing a range of conditions. From those with automobile injuries to back pain, most people are excellent candidates to reap the benefits of chiropractic care. By further relieving tension and promoting relaxation, massage therapy likewise supports one’s overall chiropractic health.

6 Ways Massage Therapy Aids in Chiropractic Health

1. Relieves Stress

Chiropractic adjustments help ease tension in the joints, muscles, and tissues. When combined with the stress-relieving benefits of massage therapy, patients feel more relaxed than ever.

2. Improves Adjustment Comfort

Chiropractic adjustments are not painful, but at least initially, they may feel strange or slightly uncomfortable. However, scheduling a massage appointment beforehand can help loosen the muscles and improve comfort throughout the procedure.

3. Boosts Circulation

chiropractic healthAs a fundamental part of the nervous system, the spinal cord transmits signals to the rest of the body. By massaging surrounding areas, therapists help enhance circulation from head to toe.

4. Supports a Healthy Immune System 

Suffering a physical accident can take a temporary toll on one’s immune system. By easing muscular tension and promoting optimal spinal positioning, both massage therapy and chiropractic care help accelerate the healing process.

5. Increases Range of Motion

Physical pain and trauma can restrict the body’s range of motion. In extreme cases, one’s day-to-day mobility may suffer. Massage therapy helps loosen the muscles, improving flexibility and reducing pain. Together, chiropractic care and massage therapy can help restore mobility.     

6. Promotes Natural Healing

Both massage therapy and chiropractic care are part of a holistic, natural approach to wellness. Rather than masking the pain, these therapies work together to improve health and well-being for a lifetime.


Alaska’s trusted chiropractic health professionals provide the high-quality adjustments and massage therapy patients need to live well. North Pole Chiropractic specializes in pain relief, injury treatment, and spinal and postural screenings. To start living well, call the practice today at (907) 488-1885. For more information about their services, visit them online.
