
The U.S. legal system encompasses a diverse body of statutes, from copyright infringement to criminal offenses. Family law covers legislation governing the responsibilities among individuals with a domestic connection — usually one related to blood or marriage. Here, the family lawyers of Swartz Law Office in Batavia, OH, explain what you need to know about this area of law and how an attorney can help you through emotionally difficult cases.

custodyCommon topics covered by family law include divorce, annulment, and alimony, as well as child custody, support, and visitation. These legal cases also include the division of property that occurs when a couple splits up. How difficult cases are to conclude depends on diverse factors, from how amicable the separation is to whether there was a prenuptial agreement.

Family law can also encompass cases related to physical or emotional abuse — for instance of a spouse, child, or elderly family member. Paternity issues also fall under this category. As any family lawyer will tell you, this body of legislation is continually changing — for instance, to encompass changes in LGBT rights like same-sex marriage.

The ultimate aim of family lawyers is to maintain a level playing field when it comes to responsibilities among individuals who share a domestic connection. In the case of a divorce, for instance, the laws work to prevent any one party from suffering unfairly following the split. Laws governing alimony, in this case, ensure one spouse can’t use a financial advantage to exert control over the other.

Because they involve individuals who share a personal bond, family law cases are often emotionally charged. This is one reason it’s recommended to seek professional legal counsel. Attorneys can ensure feelings aren’t influencing the proceedings. Leaving lawyers to handle the paperwork also allows clients on both sides to focus on moving forward with their lives.

For a reliable family lawyer in the Batavia, OH, area, look to Swartz Law Office. Donald K. Swartz will bring 14 years of experience to your case, and his team has provided clients with compassionate and expert legal care since 2011. Get a comprehensive overview of their practice areas online, and call the office at (513) 732-0900 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.
