
Mold is natural and can be found everywhere, but too much inside your home can lead to serious problems. However, how can you tell when it’s time to seek mold remediation? As the go-to general contractor in Greensboro, NC, Piedmont Home Contractors Inc has over 20 years of experience handling everything from home remodeling to water damage repair. Here, these experts share a few signs that your home has mold that needs professional removal.

3 Signs You Need Mold Remediationmold remediation

1. Moisture Issues

Damp areas in your home become breeding grounds for fungal growths. If you have had floods, burst pipes, or water leaks, you will likely develop a mold issue. Because water leaks often happen out of sight, you may not notice any signs of damage or fungal growth right away. Leaks and flooding can lead to mold growth beneath floors and behind walls. Even constant interior condensation on windows or pipes could lead to mold because it creates a moisture-rich environment. 

2. Respiratory Problems

Adverse health problems are another sign you need mold remediation, especially if those issues are respiratory. If you or your family members begin to feel better outside of the home than you do inside, it may be a sign that the house has high levels of fungus present. Consistent problems like headaches, congestion, and trouble breathing at home indicate poor air quality. If this is the case, a mold colony is probably the culprit.

3. Mold Is Visible

The most obvious sign you need mold remediation is the presence of visible mold. Unfortunately, many homeowners think that the fungal infestation is only a problem if it covers a large area, but that isn’t true. Mold can begin as small spots resembling dirt. If you notice it, do not ignore it. Small growths will quickly spread if not immediately addressed. Chances are if you see a small amount of mold, there could be a larger colony elsewhere.

Don’t let mold take over your home. If you think you need mold remediation, you can count on the professionals at Piedmont Home Contractors Inc to inspect and restore your home. Call today at (336) 545-8812 to get a free estimate from a helpful team member. You can also visit their website for more information about their available services. 
