
Children should start receiving professional dental care by the time they turn one year old or when their first baby tooth emerges, whichever comes first. Although this may seem like an early time to take a child to a pediatric dentist, Susan Kleier, DMD, explains that these initial visits can prepare your little one for a lifetime of optimal oral health. As a Lexington, KY, family dentist dedicated to helping kids protect their smiles, Dr. Kleier offers more insight on what parents can expect from these appointments.

The Importance of Initial Dental Care Appointments

There are a few different reasons why it’s essential to bring your child to a pediatric dentist by the time of their first birthday. This appointment, for example, is a good way to ensure that your little one’s teeth are growing in correctly and that their oral health is in good shape.

pediatric dentistAlthough there won’t be many teeth to look at, the dentist can still catch potential problems early and provide solutions to help avoid health and cosmetic issues down the road. Parents also have the opportunity to speak with a professional about how their child’s teeth will develop, as well as review the best strategies for dental hygiene at home.

What Happens During a Child’s First Dental Appointment

A child’s first dental care appointment won’t be much like the exams that older kids and adults experience. Instead, this visit is a chance for dentists and parents to get a baseline read on a baby’s oral health.

Typically, these initial appointments involve a visual inspection of the child’s mouth. A dentist will look at the health of your baby’s gums and observe how teeth are coming in. The pediatric specialist may also examine the child’s bite and offer suggestions on ways to promote better alignment.

A good portion of the appointment will involve a one-on-one conversation with the dentist. You should expect to leave the office with a strong understanding of how your little one’s teeth are developing and what to look for in the coming months and years. You’ll likely discuss oral care habits, including ways you can keep your baby’s gums clean and gradually introduce regular brushing practices. It’s also a great time to ask about how feeding and teething habits may impact the health and appearance of your child’s smile.

Whether it’s time for your baby’s first appointment or you’re shopping around for a new pediatric dentist in Lexington, KY, Susan Kleier, DMD, is an exceptional resource for both younger and older patients. In addition to providing complete dental services, Dr. Kleier is committed to providing care in a comfortable environment to make all of her patients feel at ease during their visits—including kids. To learn more about these services, check out this dentist online. You can also call (859) 225-1188 to set up your young one’s next dental care visit.
