
With its often excessive loads of sinful toppings, pizza is far from being considered a health food. When prepared correctly using fresh ingredients, however, pizza can offer a host of benefits that can actually be good for the body. Balancing a variety of topping choices is key in making this popular dish a healthy meal you can indulge on without much guilt.

3 Benefits of Eating Pizza

1. Antioxidants

One of the key ingredients to a good pizza is tomato sauce. Tomato sauce is known to contain high levels of lycopene, a popular antioxidant known for battling free radical effects that are associated with certain types of cancer. Aside from lending a sweet and tangy taste to every bite, tomato sauce is also rich in vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system and helps maintain good vision.

2. Nutrients

pizzaEating the recommended dose of two cups of vegetables a day becomes a lot easier when served on a steaming hot pan of pizza. Colorful vegetables, such as bell peppers, artichokes, onions, olives, and mushrooms, are packed with nutrients that are good for your overall health. They contain vitamins A and C for a stronger immune system and are rich in flavonoids that reduce muscle inflammation.

3. Good Cholesterol

Olive oil is a good source of high-density lipoprotein or HDL, which is good for the heart and the bloodstream. It’s also packed with monounsaturated fat that helps regulate the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease by preventing blood from oxidizing at a rapid rate.

Turning this popular snack dish into a healthy meal is a lot easier when you’re dining in a restaurant that uses the freshest ingredients. For healthy and delectable meals, call Hope Pizza Restaurant at (203) 325-0660 and reserve a table today. For more than 30 years, this local pizza restaurant has served mouthwatering meals for customers in Stamford, CT. Check out their website for a glimpse of their menu.
