
Gravestones are used in cemeteries throughout the world to mark the final resting place of a deceased person. If you’re planning to replace a gravestone for any reason, it’s important to understand how to correctly go about the process. McGee Monuments in Rochester, NY, craft timeless grave markers and headstones in a variety of styles to help honor the memory of their clients’ loved ones.

The caring professionals are here to discuss the steps you need to take when changing a gravestone:

Acquire Permission From the Cemetery

gravestoneFirst, you will need to ask permission from the cemetery and notify them of the time and date you plan to replace the headstone. Depending on the cemetery, you may be required to pay removal and replacement fees. If you bought the original gravestone from the cemetery, you will need to talk to someone from their staff about the removal.

Have a New Gravestone Designed

After you have the removal scheduled, you will need to purchase a new gravestone to replace the existing one. Talk to a craftsman about a custom design; you can choose the type of stone, font of the engraving, and color of the gravestone. Ask to preview the final product before the final placement, and don’t hesitate to request any changes you think are necessary.

Arrange the Installation

You can work directly with the gravestone maker to arrange when and how the new gravestone will be placed onto the gravesite. You will need to coordinate this with the cemetery so that it doesn’t arrive during an already planned funeral or service.

If you’re looking to have a new gravestone or headstone custom-made for your loved one’s gravesite, turn to the skilled craftsmen at McGee Monuments in Rochester, NY. Contact them today at (585) 546-4602 to discuss the options available to you or visit their website for more information. 
