
People most often associate fresh, clean air with the great outdoors, but shouldn’t your living space have the healthiest supply? While your indoor air quality may pale in comparison to that found outside, there are several steps you can take to bridge the gap. The specialists at Superior Residential Services have been fighting against poor air quality for decades, so they can provide several tips on how to improve the supply inside your home.

3 Indoor Air Quality Tips 

1. Open the Windows

Indoor Air QualityEven though the most effective way to keep cold, conditioned air inside your house is to close it off to the outside world, it’s also incredibly unhealthy. Opening windows releases toxic chemicals emitted by household activities and appliances and allows clean, fresh air to enter the home. Even opening your windows for 20–30 minutes a day can drastically improve air quality.

2. Maintain 30–50% Humidity

While this may seem like a nearly impossible task during North Carolina summers, maintaining low levels of humidity can make your family healthier. For one, mold and dust mites thrive in humid environments. Along with wreaking havoc on the structural integrity of your home, mold can release harmful chemicals such as allergens and mycotoxins. These toxins can elicit allergic reactions, stuffy noses, and skin and eye irritations. However, by establishing proper ventilation, adding a dehumidifier, and fixing leaks, you can decrease your home’s humidity levels.

3. Ditch Synthetic Fragrances

If you’re spraying a chemical in your home that contains anything more than water, you’re likely diminishing the indoor air quality. Air fresheners, laundry products, and hair and body spray are all harmful to respiratory health. The US only ensures these chemicals do not cause burns—any potential inhalation hazards aren’t tested. Try replacing these artificially scented odors with more natural ones that originate from plants and flowers.

When you’re ready to make a change in your health and comfort, consider the air you breathe. To improve the indoor air quality in your home, make an appointment with Superior Residential Services at (336) 861-5911. You can also like the company on Facebook for more tips on optimizing your air supply.
