
Dental care isn’t just important for humans—it is essential to protecting the teeth of cats and dogs as well. In fact, by keeping an eye on your pet’s teeth, High Point Veterinary Hospital says you could help avoid common dental problems in animals, such as decay, tooth loss, and gum disease. But while inspecting and brushing your companion’s teeth with animal-safe products is beneficial, this Piedmont Triangle animal hospital says a thorough teeth cleaning by a veterinarian is also important for your pet and their health.

Professional teeth cleanings are the best way to remove plaque from the teeth and gums of both cats and dogs. By following your vet’s recommended schedule for dental cleaning, you can:

  • Prevent Risks of Gum Disease: According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, gum disease—also known as periodontal disease—is the most common dental condition affecting cats and dogs. This occurs when plaque build-up leads to the growth of bacteria in the mouth, a problem that can lead to decay, infection, and tooth loss. If not corrected early, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream and eventually affect your pet’s organs.   
  • teeth cleaningMinimize Bad Breath: Pets may not have the freshest-smelling mouths, but if you notice your animal has consistently bad breath, they may be developing gum disease. When bacteria forms in the mouth, it can lead to considerably foul odors, which can’t be erased by brushing or dental care products. Regular teeth cleaning, on the other hand, can remove plaque and reduce odor-causing bacteria from the mouth.
  • Detect Dental Problems Early: While humans may notice dental problems right away, pets can hide dental pain and other symptoms for a long time. This can make it hard for you to discern if they are experiencing problems such as a tooth fracture or cavity. As your veterinarian cleans your pet’s mouth, they will have time to get up close and personal with the teeth and spot any of these hidden issues. This early diagnosis can help your furry friend get the right treatment quickly and avoid major problems that can get in the way of their ability to chew, eat, and enjoy life.

To help your pet maintain their dental health, be sure to ask your vet when—and how often—to get dental cleanings. He or she can also provide you with tips and tricks to help keep cat or dog teeth clean at home, helping you to reduce the need for frequent cleanings. If you’d like to schedule a teeth cleaning or other pet care service in the Piedmont Triangle area of North Carolina with a skilled veterinarian, contact the specialists at High Point Veterinary Hospital at (336) 889-3832. You can also visit their website for a listing of their monthly specials.
