
Everyday life comes with many aches and pains that manifest both physically and psychologically. One of the best ways to recover is by treating yourself to a shiatsu massage. Aisen Chiryo Doin has become known around Honolulu, HI, for having some of the region’s most skilled masseuses. Whether you have muscle cramps or you desperately need a foot massage, these professionals will make you feel much better by the time you leave. 

Here are four ways that a shiatsu massage will improve your overall health: 

  • shiatsu massageCalming Effect: One of the main goals of a shiatsu massage is to restore a sense of balance to the individual. Stimulation of your pressure centers and energy channels tends to decrease stress and induce a pleasant serenity. 
  • Soothed Muscles: By targeting areas of tension, a shiatsu massage will bolster the flow of blood to sore muscles. That improved circulation will help your muscles feel much better. 
  • Less Constipation: If you’re having difficulty with your bowel movements, shiatsu massage can make them easier. By relaxing the muscles around your abdominal area, you’ll encounter less resistance the next time you use the bathroom. 
  • Headache Relief: Another benefit of enhanced blood flow is that your headaches will begin to wane. Since your body will be more at ease, your head will experience some of the relief as well. 

To take better care of both your body and mind, head over to Aisen Chiryo Doin. You can schedule a shiatsu massage by calling (808) 596-7354. Learn more about the center by visiting their website
