
When you begin to beautify your property by planting exquisite flowers in the spring, what landscaping materials do you use for garden beds? Some gardeners like to add mulch as a way of contrasting the flower colors, but is this always the best option? A growing trend for the green thumb crowd in the Lincoln, NE, area is to bypass mulch for a combination of rock, sand, and gravel.

With over 75 years of experience seeing planting trends come and go, LP Stewart & Sons always stays up to date on the industry trends to effectively meet the needs of their customers. They’re always ready to provide you with the landscaping materials of your choice to make those lilies, poppies, and peonies stand out.

Advantages of Gravel in Flower Beds

rock, sand & gravelGravel offers several advantages over mulch because it works better to combat erosion, doesn’t need to be replaced annually, and prevents torrential rainfall from saturating flower beds. Since gravel is small and round, it can fit together like a puzzle, something mulch cannot do because of its assorted shapes. This means that weeds are less likely to break through gravel. An additional advantage is that gravel stays in place better than mulch, which can be blown around during high winds.

Disadvantage of Gravel in Flower Beds

If you’re someone who likes to plant different flowers each year, gravel may not be for you because it can be tough to move around after its initially installed. Also, while it’s good to prevent mud puddles, it can starve flowers that need lots of water. Perhaps the biggest drawback is the price since mulch is usually the more affordable option.

Determine What’s Most Important

Ultimately, you need to decide how you’d like to grow your flowers. If the overall look is important, you might want to consider gravel as it can provide a more elegant and finished look. Then you can determine which flowers would look the best on the surface. Conversely, some people have flowers they simply cannot live without that would not grow very well in gravel.

While the decision is up to you, the professionals at LP Stewart & Sons are ready to answer any questions you may have about landscaping materials to ensure you’re not using the wrong surface for your flowers. They can also provide you with all the hardscaping supplies you'll need to put the finishing touches on your yard. Take advantage of their expertise by calling (402) 423-5676 or by visiting their website.
