
In order to best enjoy the benefits of Shiatsu massage, it’s important to have a masseuse who makes your experience as enjoyable as possible. Knowing what you’re looking for in a massage is the first step to choosing the right massage therapist for you and getting the most out of your next massage. Aisen Chiryo Doin in Honolulu, HI, is Hawaii’s premier destination for Shiatsu massage, using applied pressure to heal and rejuvenate the body. 

Tips for Choosing the Right Massage Therapist


1. Know What You Want

What do you want to get out of your Shiatsu massage? Are you looking for relaxation, pain relief, or to release tension? Shiatsu massage promotes the body’s natural healing process, improving circulation and even alleviating health issues related to the nervous system and endocrine system. If you’re looking to relieve a particular ailment, let your masseuse know.

2. Do Some Research

Do you want a relaxing spa experience with aromatherapy and gentle music, or a no-frills muscle massage that works out all of the knots? Shiatsu uses a variety of techniques, including pressure, kneading, stretching, and tapping. A Shiatsu masseuse aims to target pressure points to facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body.

3. Give It a Try

Time for the best part! Book a 30-minute session with a few different massage therapists before choosing your favorite, because the only way to really know which technique works best for you is to try it out.

4. Talk to Your Massage Therapist

Once you have an idea of which techniques you might prefer, it’s important to tell your masseuse what you like and what you don’t. A good masseuse should ask you your preferences at the start of the session and check in with you throughout the massage to make sure the pressure is to your liking.

Choosing the right massage therapist might take a bit of trial and error, but the results are more than worth it. For a relaxing and healing massage experience, call Aisen Chiryo Doin in Honolulu, Hawaii, at (808) 596-7354.
