
Like many adults, you may have visited a chiropractor at least once in your life to deal with back and neck pain or improve your spinal alignment. But did you know that it’s important for children to visit the chiropractor as well? Dr. Alan C. Walch at Walch Chiropractic Center PC in Leeds, AL, has been practicing chiropractic therapy for over 25 years, and he recommends that parents take their children for visits as early as infancy.

Early intervention through chiropractic therapy helps children’s development in a number of ways:

Improving Feeding & Sleeping

The compressed environment of the womb and the pressure exerted on a newborn during birth can lead to misalignment of the vertebrae. Though it may not be obvious, your infant may be experiencing back or neck pain, causing problems with feeding and sleeping. A chiropractor will perform a realignment to relieve these issues.

Reducing Digestive Problems & Colic

Any compression of the spine, however slight, can cause digestive issues or colic. Because the child’s spine is not fully extended in the way it is supposed to, gas may build up in the stomach, irritating the bowels or causing colic. A chiropractic massage reduces these symptoms.

Monitoring Development & Milestones

Chiropractors specialize in studying the nervous system, and early visits help them determine if you child is developing appropriately. So many of the early milestones for your child involve the nervous system and spine, such as: sitting, crawling, standing, and responding to external stimuli. If your child is not meeting these milestones at the appropriate time, your chiropractor can perform early intervention.

Providing Care After Falls Or Rough Play

chiropractic therapyInevitably, children will fall or get hurt while playing. However, your child does not have to suffer through pain at a young age. A licensed chiropractor will perform pain management techniques and specialized massages to help them get back to playing.

If you’re interested in learning more about chiropractic therapy for children or pain management for yourself, call Walch Chiropractic Center PC at (205) 699-4433. Visit their website for more information about their treatments.
