
Shiatsu therapy refers to the use of finger and palm pressure to alleviate pain, reduce stress, and restore balance in the body. It can be an effective technique to relieve muscle cramps after exercising and an equally useful tool for runners prepping for marathons. At Aisen Chiryo Doin, an award-winning shiatsu therapy center in Honolulu, HI, the staff explains how shiatsu can help with cramping and marathon training.

shiatsuWhen you’re burned out from stress or exercise, muscles can tense up quickly, especially if you haven’t made stretching a part of your daily routine. Without adequate extension of your limbs, muscles can be restricted in their range of motion and can become cramped and painful. By putting pressure on various points throughout your body and helping you stretch, shiatsu therapy reduces those muscle cramps, loosening up tissues and drastically lowering the amount of pain you might experience in your lower back or legs. Regular shiatsu therapy may have you experiencing fewer muscle spasms and feeling more relaxed in general.

Shiatsu therapy can be especially effective during marathon training, providing rejuvenation not just on a physical level but psychologically as well. The pressure point technique has been shown to decrease muscle fatigue and boost energy and mental clarity, leading to a greater ability to set personal running records. The therapy also stimulates your blood flow, which can lead to more effective delivery of nutrients to your organs. This is essential for marathon training when optimal physiological function is especially important. Finally, shiatsu therapy can be a great option for rest days on your marathon training plan. As you recover from long runs and begin the tapering portion of your marathon preparation, incorporating short shiatsu therapy sessions a few times a week can help you relax, conserve energy, and tackle your big day with a renewed sense of balance.

For more on how shiatsu therapy can help with your muscle cramps and marathon training or to schedule an appointment, contact Aisen Chiryo Doin at (808) 596-7354 or visit their website.
