
There are many types of skin cancers, and not all of them are immediately obvious. That’s why regular visits to a dermatologist are important. The providers at Gateway Dermatology PC in Lincoln, NE, can recognize symptoms of skin cancer simply by talking with you about concerning spots, and an examination and tests can confirm their suspicions. Annual visits to a dermatologist should include a full-body skin examination, where the provider looks for signs of the disease you might not have noticed, such as an irregular-shaped mole on your back or uneven color anywhere on your skin. 

The provider will look for these signs when examining your skin for cancer:

  • melanomaAtypical Moles: Your provider will look for moles that are larger than a pea, irregularly shaped, or bleeding. The more moles on your body, the longer the examination will take.
  • Discolored Skin: Some forms of skin cancer present through red or purple patches. Any discoloration of your skin can be suspect and might require testing.
  • Lesions: One of the symptoms of melanoma is a dark lesion that can appear anywhere on your skin from head to toe.
  • Nodules: You could have hard but painless nodules on your skin that indicate a form of carcinoma. These nodules can be found anywhere, including your scalp and eyelids.

A biopsy of your skin or mole will need to be taken to confirm a diagnosis, which can also confirm which type of skin cancer you may have. Further lab tests may be needed if your diagnosis is cancer in order to determine the stage of the disease, how far it has spread, and which treatment options will be most effective.

Gateway Dermatology PC offers many services, including full skin examinations and testing for skin cancer. If you suspect you could have skin cancer, don’t delay. Call (402) 467-4361 to make an appointment today, or visit them online for more information.
