
Many defendants facing reckless driving charges simply pay the fine and accept the consequences of a conviction without consulting an attorney. Many assume the penalties are not that serious, while others may be convinced by police or prosecutors that a conviction is all but inevitable. If you’re facing reckless driving charges, there are compelling reasons to speak with an experienced defense lawyer before accepting a deal.

3 Reasons to Hire a Reckless Driving Attorney

1. The Consequences Can Be Extreme

reckless drivingReckless driving charges are more serious than other moving violations and are classified as a misdemeanor. Depending on the actions you’re accused of taking, first-time offenders in Ohio face fines of up to $150 plus any additional fees, as well as four points on their license. If you’ve faced similar charges in the past year, you may even face possible jail time and a suspension of your driving privileges.

2. You’ll Have a Criminal Record

Although reckless driving doesn’t seem like a serious offense, pleading guilty will leave you with a criminal record. In addition to higher insurance premiums and other penalties, a conviction on your record could make it more difficult to find housing and prevent you from obtaining work in some industries.

3. A Lawyer Knows Your Legal Options

A skilled defense attorney with an in-depth understanding of the relevant laws will identify all of your legal options and predict the most likely outcomes in any scenario. Even if they recommend accepting a plea agreement, you can do so knowing it was truly your best option.


No matter what criminal charges you’re facing, you can rely on David S. Washington, Jr. to zealously protect your interests and fight for your rights. This law firm has been serving the Hamilton, OH, area for over 20 years, establishing an impressive track record of successful results. Like them on Facebook now for more legal tips, visit their website, or call (513) 751-1400 to discuss your reckless driving case with a skilled local attorney.
