
Whenever you purchase a new item, there is an expectation that the product will work how it's supposed to and, at the very least, not cause bodily injury. Unfortunately, not every item meets these standards, and injury or damage can result from such a defective product. In situations like this, you may have legal ground to pursue compensation from the product's designer or manufacturer. To better understand these cases and the legal options available, below is a discussion of three common types of defective product liability claims.

3 Common Types of Defective Product Liability Claims

1. Defects in Manufacturing

A defect in manufacturing means that, at some point during the process of constructing and assembling the product in question, a mistake led the item to become dangerous or defective. Human error or mechanical issues are two prevalent causes of manufacturing defects. A product that has a broken or missing part would be an example of a defect in manufacturing.

2. Defects in Design

defective productsDesign flaws account for a large number of defective product liability cases. Before an item is manufactured, it must have a solid design that leaves no room for accident or injury. Unlike manufacturing defects, which tend to impact just one item or a limited number of specific products, a design defect impacts the entire line of merchandise. If you can prove that the product in question was faultily designed, you likely have enough to move forward with a liability lawsuit.

3. No Warnings or Instructions

Products that can be potentially dangerous must come with a warning and detailed instructions on how to use the item. If a manufacturer doesn't include adequate warnings or directions for the product, consumers can get hurt. A common example of this is a child's toy that comes with small, removable parts; if there are no warnings included with the toy and the child chokes on one of the small pieces, the manufacturer could be held accountable.


If you have been injured by a defective product, let personal injury and wrongful death attorney Charles Brower of the Charles H. Brower Law Corporation help you explore possible legal solutions. Attorney Brower has more than 30 years' experience serving the people of the Honolulu, HI, area. Call (808) 526-2688, visit the firm online, or contact them via their Google+ page to set up a consultation today.
