
There are several causes of hip pain, but regardless of the reason, it can be distracting and uncomfortable. When that pain becomes unbearable even after rehabilitation attempts, this can be an indicator that you may need a hip replacement. If you’ve been experiencing continuous pain and are considering hip replacement, learn more about these three common signs you may need this surgery below.

3 Common Signs Hip Replacement Is Needed

1. Severe Hip or Joint Pain

hip replacementIf you experience a prolonged sharp or dull ache in the area between your knee and hip or in the hip joint itself, you may be a candidate for hip replacement surgery. If you notice this pain intensifies after working out, climbing stairs or in humid weather, this is another indicator that you need surgery.

2. Joint Stiffness

Another symptom of severe hip issues is when you notice stiffness in your joints. Most people observe this stiffness when doing everyday tasks, like putting on socks or tying your shoes. Additional stiffness may also be present after sitting for extended periods of time and then attempting to stand up.

3. Hip Mobility Is Reduced

One big sign that a hip replacement is needed is when the mobility of your joint begins to decline. Once this occurs, day-to-day activities like grocery shopping, walking around the block, or even going up and down the stairs can be difficult to complete due to hip pain and inflexibility. It’s also possible you won’t be able to be as physically active as you once were without experiencing excruciating pain.


If you regularly experience any of the above three symptoms, schedule an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to have your hip health evaluated and treated if necessary. Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester in Rochester, NY, staffs the most professional and knowledgeable doctors in the field of orthopedics. The doctors at this practice specialize in a number of different conditions, from joint injuries and surgeries to foot pain and hip replacements. To learn more about this team, schedule an appointment by calling (585) 723-3000 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
