
Having hypertension or an elevated blood pressure above 120/80 mm hg can result in complications if left uncontrolled or undetected. These include heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney damage, and vision loss to name a a few.

If you have high blood pressure, besides medication there are other natural ways to reduce your numbers. Read below for what to expect from your efforts.  

Weight Loss – Can reduce systolic blood pressure by 5-20 points. 

Controlling Sodium – Consuming no more than 2400 mg per day can reduce systolic blood pressure by 2-8 points.

Exercise – 30 minutes of aerobic activity, like a brisk walk for most days of the week can reduce systolic blood pressure by 4-9 points

Limiting Alcohol – no more than 1-2 drinks per day can reduce systolic blood pressure by 2-4 points.

D.A.S.H. Diet – The dash diet is a healthy diet consisting of several servings of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. By following this diet you can reduce your systolic blood pressure by 8-14 points.  

Even though there is a genetic component to blood pressure in families, you can try the above lifestyle changes to see if you can lower your blood pressure without the use of medications. Diet and weight loss combined can be a great place to begin. For more information please contact us at

