
Do you know what to do and what not to do if you get stopped for DWI? At Larry R. Koss Law Firm in Brockport, NY, dedicated DWI defense attorney, Larry R. Koss, enjoys educating his clients and the public about their legal rights. This experienced criminal defense lawyer explains wise actions to protect yourself if it happens to you.  

Do’s & Don’ts for a DUI Stop: DWI Defense Attorney Explains

Grounds for a Stop

You may not be drunk, but an officer can pull you over for any observed legal violation, such as a broken taillight or a slow roll through a stop sign, as a reason to investigate. Law enforcement officers need a reasonable suspicion they can explain to justify a traffic stop.


If an officer signals you to stop, take these steps:

  • DWI-defense-attorney-Brockport-NYPull Over: As quickly as you can do it safely, pull to the side of the road out of traffic. An officer might take your slow response as obstruction or an attempt to flee the scene.
  • Remain in Your Vehicle: You and the officer are more secure when you stay inside of your car unless you’re instructed to get out. If they ask you to get out, turn your ignition off and take the key out.
  • Respond Politely & Be Cooperative: In tense situations like these, calm, respectful behavior earns points with the officer.


This is conduct to avoid during the stop:

  • Admit That You Had Anything to Drink You don’t have to answer those questions.
  • Volunteer to Take Field Sobriety Evaluations. Law enforcement officers look for evidence of intoxication. More activity gives them more evidence to support an arrest, so stay in your car as long as possible. 
  • Resist Taking the Breathalyzer Test. Generally, refusing  the chemical breath test works against you, although there are defenses that attorneys raise successfully.     

If you are stopped and charged with DUI, consult a DWI defense attorney with more than 40 years’ experience. Contact Larry R. Koss Law Firm in Brockport, NY, for effective representation. Call (585) 637-3961 to schedule an appointment with this dynamic criminal defense lawyer. Visit the firm’s Facebook page for more information.
